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The 5 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Home

Buying a home is an exciting time, but it requires attention and preparation. Often,

buyers focus only on the excitement, ignoring crucial details. Not setting a

realistic budget is one of the most common mistakes: in addition to the price of the

property, there are expenses such as taxes,

insurance and maintenance. Another misstep is to proceed without a mortgage

pre-approval, which can lead to disappointment if the financing is not granted. The

property inspection is often overlooked, but it can reveal structural or technical

problems that affect the real cost. The location should not be underestimated either: a perfect home in an

unsuitable area for one’s daily needs can become a source of stress. Finally, acting on impulse without careful

planning risks turning the purchase into a negative experience. Taking the time

to evaluate carefully and relying on professionals is essential for a satisfactory purchase.

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Davide Rigatti

Phone: 040 97 76 352
Via del Mercato Vecchio 1 - Trieste
215.000,00 €

Trieste - Appartamento in Via Grimani

Via Grimani 9 Trieste
Trieste - in via Grimani, in zona molto ben servita e silenziosa, proponiamo un appartamento di circa 100 mq totali, composta da s..

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  • Square footage 102 mq
  • Bedrooms 2
  • Bathrooms 1
118.000,00 €

Trieste - Appartamento zona Burlo con poggiolo

Via Dell'istria 37 Trieste
APPARTAMENTO DA RISTRUTTURARETrieste - Ci troviamo in Via dell'Istria, in zona molto ben servita, in uno stabile in fase di ristru..

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  • Square footage 70 mq
  • Bedrooms 2
  • Bathrooms 2
163.000,00 €

Trieste - Appartamento Via Sara Davis (angolo via Commerciale)

Via Sara Davis 172 Trieste
Trieste - In via Sara Davis, in una tra le zone di via Commerciale con più facilità di parcheggio, al primo piano di una palazzi..

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  • Square footage 84 mq
  • Bedrooms 2
  • Bathrooms 2

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