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Energy performance certificate

The Energy Performance Certificate (APE) is a document issued by a certifying body that provides information regarding the annual energy consumption of a building or building unit. In addition to the numerical data relating to energy consumption, the building's energy class is also defined through the APE, represented by a letter, namely "A4, A3, A2, A1, B, C, D, E, F, G" where "A4" indicates better energy efficiency, and "G" indicates an inefficient building / building.

A very important fact within the energy performance certificate is its duration, or rather its expiry. The expiration of the document is inserted in all the pages in the superior part. The bee normally has a duration of 10 years. This aspect is regulated by Legislative Decree 192/2005 which in art. 6 paragraph 5 states:

"The energy performance certificate referred to in paragraph 1 has a maximum validity of ten years from its release and is updated for any restructuring or redevelopment that changes the energy class of the building or real estate unit. The maximum temporal validity is subject to compliance with the requirements for the energy efficiency control operations of the technical systems of the building, in particular for the thermal plants, including any need for adaptation, provided for by the regulations referred to in d.P.R. April 16, 2013, n. 74, and to the d.P.R. April 16, 2013, n. 75.

In the event of failure to comply with these provisions, the energy performance certificate expires on December 31 of the year following that in which the first deadline is not met for the aforementioned energy efficiency control operations. For these purposes, the installation booklets required by the decrees referred to in Article 4, paragraph 1, letter b), are attached, in original or in copy, to the energy performance certificate ".

To further specify the validity of the APE, there is the DM 26/06/2015, which in the art. 4 paragraph 3 provides:

"The APE, pursuant to article 6, paragraph 5, of the legislative decree (Legislative Decree 192/2005), has a maximum validity of ten years from the date of its release and is updated for any restructuring intervention or redevelopment that regards building elements or technical systems in such a way as to modify the energy class of the building or of the real estate unit. The maximum temporal validity is subject to compliance with the requirements for the energy efficiency checks of the technical installations of the building, in particular for heating systems, including any need for adaptation provided for by the regulations referred to in the Presidential Decree 16 April 2013, n. 74. In the event of failure to comply with these provisions, the APE lapses on 31 December of the year following that in which the first deadline is not met for the aforementioned energy efficiency control operations. For these purposes, the plant booklets referred to in the decree of the Minister of Economic Development 10 February 2014 and subsequent amendments are attached, in original, in paper copy or in electronic format, to the APE ”.

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